Donate to LILAC

LILAC welcomes donations of cash and kind. These allow us to keep our collections up to date by buying new titles regularly and assist with the rent. It is crucial, if we are to keep LILAC open as a lesbian library and space, that we raise funds. We are generously funded (for now) by the Arthur & Armstrong Trust but this funding does not cover all our running costs.

Donations can be made directly into our bank account
030502 0030496 00 with your name as reference. Please email us at when you have made the donation so that we can send you a receipt.

Donate $30-40 to buy a book

A donation of $30-40 will buy a book for LILAC. Make a donation as described above, and include your name and "book" as reference when you pay. Mention in your email message that it is for a book. Suggest a title or we can offer you a list of title to select from and your donation will be recorded.

Donate $282 to pay a week's rent

A donation of $282 will pay a week's rent for our room. Please include your name and "rent" as reference when you pay.

Note that LILAC is not a registered charity but we may investigate this to allow donors to claim a tax deduction.

LILAC also welcomes donations of books and DVDs to expand the collections. The Collection Management group will decide if the title(s) are appropriate for the collections. Duplicates are sold at our annual stall at the gay and lesbian fair to raise funds.