
LILAC catalogue on TinyCat


LILAC's catalogue is now available on TinyCat - click on the link to see our fancy splash screen, or enter a search below to get started. search help

The author/title lists version of the catalogue

Just plain-text author title lists, nothing fancy ... no searching. There are lists by genre and some themed lists - try it if the TinyCat version of the catalogue is not for you.


Zines are a relatively recent addition to the collection - they are displayed on the bench beside the Diva magazines at the west end of the room.

See also the full text webpage for links to texts of some very early lesbian titles.


Searching LILAC's TinyCat catalogue

TinyCat search.

The TinyCat catalogue can be searched on a phone, tablet or a computer. Just type in a word or three - from title, author, topics and click on the magnifying glass icon. The results will be a list of brief records. Click on a title to see more information about it.
There is a widget at the top right of the results screen - click on it to choose a sort order for the books listed.

Bookmark the TinyCat link - on your phone browser as well as your desktop!

Note that the TinyCat catalogue just includes books at present. There is no information on whether books are on loan or available - LILAC doesn't have ratepayer/taxpayer support so cannot afford all the trimmings.

Bookmark the TinyCat link - on your phone browser as well as your desktop!

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