Lesbian full text and audio resources

See also the Online magazines and Digitisation projects sections in the Web links page.

New Zealand lesbian history

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Theses with lesbian themes

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Spiral Collective publications

Spiral was founded in 1975, to produce a women's literary and arts journal of the same name. It is a New Zealand publisher and group of artist collectives with a focus on female artists and voices. Many of their publications have now been scanned by the Christchurch Art Gallery in conjunction with Spiral Collectives and are available online. Titles marked with an asterisk are available at LILAC.

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Biography, memoirs, etc.

  • The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Catterina Vizzani (1719-1743) was an Italian passing woman who ran away from home at the age of 16, adopted male clothing and thereafter lived as a man under the name Giovanni Bordoni. In 1743 she convinced the niece of a vicar to elope to Rome with her. They were stopped on the way and Giovanni/Catterina was fatally wounded. Her biography was written by the surgeon Giovanni Battista Bianchi who had performed an examination of her remains (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catterina_Vizzani). The biography was translated into English by John Cleland, who was less than sympathetic to her life.
  • The Stone Wall by 'Mary Casal' (Ruth Fuller Field). Published in 1930, it is a landmark in American LGBT history, perhaps the first 20th century autobiography in which the author openly acknowledges her attraction to another woman and their long and happy partnership.
  • The Nun Ensign - Catalina de Erauso (ca 1592-ca 1650) - young Basque nun escapes the nunnery and washes up in South America passing as a man (LILAC has a copy)
  • A Narrative of the life of Mrs Charlotte Charke written by herself - Charlotte was a transgressive English actor who live from 1713-1760. Biographical notes at wikipedia, and an interesting essay at autostraddle
  • Charlotte Cushman: her letters and memories of her life by Emma Stebbins. Charlotte (1816-1876) was an American actress who spent part of her life in Europe, played men's roles on stage esp. Romeo, and lived in all-female households with her partners and others. (LILAC has a biography of her - When Romeo was a woman by Lisa Merrill).
  • The Fiery Fountains - Margaret Anderson (one of the Americans in Paris in the 1920s) about her relationship with opera singer Georgette LeBlanc.
  • Michael Field by Mary C. Sturgeon. (LILAC has another biography). Information about Michael Field on wikipedia [Katherine Bradley (1846-1914) and Edith Cooper (1862-1913)]
  • The Life And Death Of Radclyffe Hall by Una, Lady Troubridge
  • Impressions that remained : memoirs Volume 1 and Volume 2, by Ethyl Smyth, 1858-1944. (LILAC has these in print)
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History - assorted

The following links lead to recovered texts compiled by British gay historian Rictor Norton <http://rictornorton.co.uk/eighteen/>. He has provided some context and commentary on each text.

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Gertrude Stein - various

Biographical information at Wikipedia

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Nonfiction - assorted works

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Lesbian poetry

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Lesbian lit websites

Early Feminist writing

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GLBT resources

  • GLBTQ - an Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture; no new material added since 2015
  • Lodestar Quarterly - a journal of LGBT literature, publishing both established and new writers of fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction. Produced 2002-2005
  • Blithe House quarterly - an online literary magazine featuring new short stories by emerging and established gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered authors
  • OutWeek magazine - This site contains the entire 105 issues of OutWeek Magazine, published in New York from June, 1989 to July, 1991. OutWeek Magazine was the seminal lesbian and gay publication during the peak era of AIDS activism in the late 80s and early 90s. It redefined the role of the activist gay press, not only by reporting the news but also by frequently making news itself. Its aggressive coverage, incisive commentary and in-depth investigative articles on gay rights, politics, AIDS, the arts and popular culture made it a must-read publication far beyond the usual scope of gay magazines. The archive is digitized in a high-resolution pdf format suitable for printing.
  • outhistory.org - links to all sorts of goodies - American focus.
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About this page

We are looking for free Lesbian full-text resources on the internet and listing them here for your convenience. Some are comtemporary "born digital" works, and others are older, out of copyright, and scanned. The Lesbian in Literature, the 3rd edition of Barbara Grier's book (1981), is an indispensible aid for finding our literary history [and this title is available online! as a pdf file]. We are using this classic when searching fulltext online repositories, including the Internet Archive texts and Project Gutenberg for lesbian titles that are out of copyright.

Scanned fulltext works are just - pages including all the marginal notes, flyspots etc etc scanned. All of which gets converted by software to "something" in the raw scanned text files. Project Gutenberg files are corrected by volunteers (hooray), but the Internet Archive has over 1.6 million texts - full of  "šomet#ing§". PDF files may be less frustrating to read, but are much bigger for downloading than text or html files, and Google charges for them. Files from the NZ Electronic Text Centre are well presented and free.

Most author names in the lists below are linked to biographical information, generally from Wikipedia. Some of the Wikipedia pages link to biographical information written from a queer perspective in the GLBTQ encyclopedia.

We welcome information about other free lesbian fulltext resources on the internet.

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