February 2022 LILAC news
Kia ora

Welcome to LILAC's  February newsletter letting you know about our Book Group, Auckland's Samesame but Different writers' festival which has moved online, and new titles.

The Collective will soon be planning some events for the next few months [covid permitting of course]; if you have ideas to contribute we would love to hear from you - just email lilac@lesbian.net.nz with your ideas and offers.

We are mindful that the LILAC Lounge is a small space and we are observing the RED traffic light settings - please scan or sign in when you visit, wear your facemask, have your vaccination pass handy, and 1 metre distancing. Hand sanitiser is available.

It's cosy at the LILAC Lounge ... in a socially distanced way of course. Come along for February Book (& cake) Group or just pop in to get some reading or movies.

Book Group Wednesday 9 February 6.15 - 7.30pm

This month Book Group is featuring Humour and we have a great selection - from Alison Bechdel's complete Dykes to Watch Out For to Anna Pulley's The Lesbian sex haiku book (with cats!). Check what we have in our TinyCAT catalogue.

Samesame but Different 16-20 February

Samesame but Different is a writers and readers festival for us - the only festival of its kind in Aotearoa that provides a space to uphold queer literature and authors. It is held in February each year as part of Auckland Pride. Pride has been cancelled this year, so Samesame has moved most of its programme online ... now we can enjoy it too in Wellington. All events are free, with registrations at eventbrite. Explore the programme - there should be something for every reading lesbian.

The Wellington Writers' Festival, part of the Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts, is developing a programme of digital recordings - watch their website for updates.

New books on the shelves

arriving February 9th for Book Group!

time travelling lesbian romance
more on goodreads
lesbian creatives
in pre-War Paris
more on goodreads
New Zealand poetry
more on read-nz.org
LILAC gratefully acknowledges the invaluable financial support we receive from the Armstrong and Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians.

The A&A Trust  commemorates the support of Bette Armstrong and Bea Arthur for the lesbian community in Wellington. It is a registered charity that welcomes bequests and donations to enable it to assist lesbian communities in the Wellington region.

Need to renew? email lilac-subs@lesbian.net.nz
  • Online banking payments should be made to LILAC 030502 0030496 00 Please email lilac-subs@lesbian.net.nz to confirm your details and alert us to your payment
  • Cash payments may be made at LILAC, Level 2, 187 Willis Street during our opening hours. Please bring correct amount of cash