LILAC Annual General Meeting

The twenty-nineth Annual General Meeting of LILAC will be held in the LILAC Lounge on the second floor of 187 Willis Street at 6.00pm on Friday 11 October 2024. All members are urged to attend.

Light refreshments will be available prior to the meeting.

The 2023-24 Annual Report, Treasurer's Year-End Statement, Financial Report and Reviewer's report are available from the reports page, and have been sent to members. Copies will be available at LILAC, but members are encouraged to bring their own copies to the meeting.

The minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting are available here (pdf, 131kb).

This is another critically important meeting of LILAC members, and we look forward to seeing all current financial members there. If you wish to attend the AGM but are unsure if your membership is up to date please check - email as we may not have time prior to the meeting to handle renewals. Arrive early with cash if you need to pay! Or pay by online banking at least 24 hours before the meeting - see the renewal form for instructions; please send an email to let us know you have paid.

Nominations for the Collective

Nominations are open for the Collective. The nomination form is available here and is also p. 6 of the Annual Report. We can have, and need, 10 to share the work. Please send your completed form to us by 1st November, although nominations will be accepted from the floor.